アーティスト 津村侑希が行った展覧会「A Corner of the Building 建築物の曲がり角」(2023年2月)の作品集。
津村侑希(TSUMURA Yuki):1998年京都市生まれ、京都府在住。東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修了。 訪れたことはないがなぜか惹かれる異国の風景を主題として絵画を制作する。主に北コーカサス地域に存在する名称のない場所を描き、映画や書籍、バーチャル地球儀システムで得たイメージなどから着想を得ている。
A collection of works from the exhibition "A Corner of the Building" (February 2023) by artist Yuki Tsumura.
―-The exotic landscapes I depicts in this exhibition are not entire landscapes, but rather close-ups of parts of buildings (bends, edges). They do not make the location clear from a single glance. They may be places that I know, or that I do not know. Even if you are not sure where they are, you may feel nostalgia for them, even if they have no roots in your own mind.
Yuki Tsumura: Born 1998 in Kyoto, Japan. Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Department of Painting. Tsumura creates paintings with the theme of exotic landscapes that Tsumura has never visited but is somehow attracted to. Tsumura paints mainly unnamed places in the North Caucasus, and is inspired by images from movies, books, and virtual globe systems.
Impression of a city floating on liquid capital and earth.