丹羽良徳は「ルーマニアで社会主義者を胴上げする」(2010)、「モスクワのアパートメントでウラジーミル・レーニンを捜す」(2012)、「日本共産党でカール・マルクスの誕生日会をする」(2013)、「日本共産党にカール・マルクスを掲げるよう提案する」(2013)からなる「共産主義シリーズ」以降、「意図的に違う意味の通訳付きで演説する」(2013)、「それが私にとって明らかに100 円玉であっても、彼にとって明らかに一万円札である場合、私にとっての革命運動とはなにか」(2014)、「ゴミの山の命名権を販売する」(2014-2015)、「職人本人の氏名を刺繍するよう依頼する」(2016)、「大杉栄を故郷で応援する」(2016)、「歴代町長に現町長を表敬訪問してもらう」(2016)、「88の提案」(2016)、そして「東京オリンピックで日本人選手全員がボイコットする」(2017-)の制作をとおして、人類が目下直面している歴史上の諸問題に、いつものアイロニカルでユーモラスな、そして時には敵対的な態度をもって立ち向かう。
編集:F. アツミ
寄稿者:ケリー・オブライエン、ヤニ・ピルナット、村上祐介、 藤田直哉、小林正弥、丸山美佳、丹羽良徳
価格:1,388 円(+税)
In 2017, the globalization of capitalism is currently rushing toward a relentless and banal phase. Beyond the fall of communism after the Cold War, what do human beings meet next — the demise of capitalism?
Yoshinori Niwa faces up to historical issues that human beings are confronting, as always with his ironical, humorous, and sometimes antagonistic attitude through his works such as; Making a Political Speech Intentionally Translated With a Different Meaning (2013), If it’s undoubtedly a 10 peso coin for me, but it’s undoubtedly a 1000 peso bill for him, what does a revolutionary movement mean for me? (2014), Selling the Right to Name a Pile of Garbage (2014–2015), Embroidering Names on Shirts, Name of Machine Operator itself (2016), Cheering Sakae Osugi at His Birthplace (2016), Paying a Courtesy Call on the Incumbent Mayor by all His Predecessors in History (2016), 88 Suggestions (2016), and All Japanese Players Boycott at the Tokyo Olympic Games (2017-), after the “communism series” of Tossing Socialists in the Air in Romania (2010), Looking for Vladimir Lenin at Moscow Apartments (2012), Celebrating Karl Marx’s Birthday With Japanese Communist Party (2013), and Proposing to Hold Up Karl Marx to the Japanese Communist Party (2013).
In the book TILL THE DEMISE OF CAPITALISM, based upon keywords such as market economy, squatting, education, art festival, public spirituality, after the Cold War, and abortion in relation to the recent works of Yoshinori Niwa, curators, critics, and academicians inside and outside Japan interpret social conditions each from their professional perspective and reveal conflicts in the depth of the public system today. In the artist’s interview, over rising ethnic populism that stages Norbert Hofer and Donald Trump in conjunction with disturbing principle of politico‐religious separation, the circumstances of a workshop after encountering Paweł Althamer and Artur Żmijewski that went up in flames and other polemical questions to the art system, the execution of naming rights and the principle of sufficient reason for the legality / illegality of abortion, the contemporary ideology that transformed into empty nihilism together with an autonomous cultural center in Slovenia, as well as the demise of capitalism along with the development of a new idea of human rights and panarchism, Yoshinori Niwa’s blunt and provocative views also are recorded. In addition, thirteen editions of the Special Edition of Historically Historic Historical History of Communism selected in the context of “memory, fabrication, travel” are to be introduced.
From the past to the future. Or, from Ostalgie to allegory. A contemporary white paper on phenomena of the post-truth public sphere where the artist travels feeling sublation of capitalism.
〈Special Site〉
A5 format, 96p, B&W printing
Including an original drawing by the artist
Japanese/English Bilingual
Limited edition 300
Project by Yoshinori Niwa
Edited by F. Atsumi
Contributors: Kelley O’Brien, Jani Pirnat, Yusuke Murakami, Naoya Fujita, Masaya Kobayashi, Mika Maruyama and Yoshinori Niwa
Design: Yelena Maksutay
Printing & Biding: ISHIDA-PRINT Co., Ltd.
Price: 12 EUR / 10 GBP / 12 USD
Publisher: Art-Phil
ISBN: 978-4-905037-04-0
Published on May 5, 2017
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